Classic Parking...Modernized

Accomodates monthly parkers, change-of-ownership, change-of-lessee, and guest parking. No minimum lot size.
Accomodates monthly parkers, hourly parkers, parking validations, and employee parking. Payment collection through mobile pay-by-phone apps.
Automated sensor suites to detect parking violations in real-time. Enforcement officers onsite within 20 minutes of violation.

One parking issue PM's have to deal with are broken parking gates and customers getting stuck in the garage. Both problems are eliminated with Goodspeed's gateless solution.
Developers do not have to install expensive parking equipment, and simultaneously can offer the highest-tech parking solution on the market.
The Goodspeed solution does not require full-time staff and allows the garage to be open 24/7 (if desired). Goodspeed does not charge a management fee and does not charge back costs. Profits to owners are always positive and typically 250%-500% greater than standard parking solutions.

Goodspeed Parking provides a modern-day solution to the classic problem of parking management, both for residential and commercial in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC.
The Goodspeed Parking solution is staff-less and equipment-less: payment via pay-by-phone system, detection via a suite of onsite sensors, and enforcement by Goodspeed. When the sensors detect a violation, Goodspeed Parking staff is onsite within 20 minutes to enforce. Goodspeed Parking receives a percentage of the parking revenue and does not charge management fees, enforcement fees, or charge-back costs. By definition, since we only take a share of the revenue, every Goodspeed-managed paid garage/lot is profitable.
Founded by a group of engineers and tech-founders, the Goodspeed solution results in zero or minimal initial parking equipment costs. With our suite of software and sensors, Goodspeed can provide almost perfect enforcement, without having any full-time onsite staff, thus driving down costs and driving up profit for the owner.